
Binary tree Basics

In  computer science , a  binary tree  is a  k-ary ,   � =2 k=2   tree data structure  in which each node has at most two  children , which are referred to as the  left child  and the  right child . A  recursive definition  using just  set theory  notions is that a (non-empty) binary tree is a  tuple  ( L ,  S ,  R ), where  L  and  R  are binary trees or the  empty set  and  S  is a  singleton set  containing the root. Some authors allow the binary tree to be the empty set as well. binary tree representation  Definitions The highest node in a binary tree is known as the root, and the base most nodes are called leaves. A twofold tree can be envisioned as a various leveled structure with the root at the top and the leaves at the base binary tree have numerous applications in software engineering, including information stockpiling and retrival, articulation assessment, network steering, and game simulated intelligence. They can likewise be utilized to embed different calculations, fo